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Garret M., Boue-Grabot E., Taly A.  2014.  Long distance effect on ligand-gated ion channels extracellular domain may affect interactions with the intracellular machinery. Commun. Integr. Biol.. 7:e27984.
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Cragnolini T, Sutherland-Cash KH, Wales D, Pasquali S, Derreumaux P.  2014.  Wide Exploration of OPEP Protein Energy Landscapes using Advanced Monte Carlo Methods. Biophys. J.. 106:256A.
Cragnolini T, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S.  2015.  Ab initio RNA folding. Journal of Physics-condensed Matter. 27:233102.
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Nasica-Labouze J, Nguyen PHoang, Sterpone F, Berthoumieu O, Buchete N-V, Cote S, De Simone A, Doig AJ, Faller P, Garcia A et al..  2015.  Amyloid beta Protein and Alzheimer’s Disease: When Computer Simulations Complement Experimental Studies. Chem. Rev.. 115:3518–3563.
Kalimeri M, Derreumaux P, Sterpone F.  2015.  Are coarse-grained models apt to detect protein thermal stability? The case of \OPEP\ force field J. Non-cryst. Solids. 407:494–501.
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Cragnolini T, Laurin Y, Derreumaux P, Pasquali S.  2015.  Coarse-Grained HiRE-RNA Model for ab Initio RNA Folding beyond Simple Molecules, Including Noncanonical and Multiple Base Pairings. J. Chem. Theory Comput.. 11:3510–3522.
Berthoumieu O, Nguyen PHoang, del Castillo-Frias MP, Ferre S, Tarus B, Nasica-Labouze J, Noel S, Saurel O, Rampon C, Doig AJ et al..  2015.  Combined Experimental and Simulation Studies Suggest a Revised Mode of Action of the Anti-Alzheimer Disease Drug NQ-Trp. Chemistry-a European Journal. 21:12657–12666.
Viet MHoang, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2015.  Communication: Multiple atomistic force fields in a single enhanced sampling simulation.. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 143:021101–021101.
Viet MHoang, Derreumaux P, Nguyen PHoang.  2015.  Communication: Multiple atomistic force fields in a single enhanced sampling simulation. J. Chem. Phys.. 143:021101.
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