Élise Duboué-Dijon – Homepage









Current position:

CNRS  Research Associate (Chargée de recherche CNRS) at Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique (LBT) within the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique (IBPC) in Paris.


    Email: elise.duboue-dijon[at]cnrs.fr                        Phone: +33 1 58 41 51 81


    Group News

    • April 2023: Our paper on DNA vs RNA hydration dynamics is just accepted in J. Phys. Chem. Lett. ! Preprint available on ChemRXiv.


    • Dec. 2023: Congratulations to Marie Juillé for the successful defense of her PhD thesis entitled "Minimal ribozymes for autocatalytic networks: Molecular simulations of the cleavage-ligation equilibrium"!
    • Oct. 2023: Laetitia Kantin started her PhD (ANR MUSIRICAT) in the group, on developing new computational methodologies to investigate the molecular origin of ion effects in ribozyme catalysis.


    • Feb. 2023: Laetitia Kantin joined us for a 6-month M2 internship. She will be working on designing Machine Learned corrections for highly accurate QM/MM-MD exploration of an ion-dependent ribozyme reaction mechanism.


    • Oct. 2022: We have an open position for a 6-month M2 internship, starting February 2023, on "Machine Learned corrections for highly accurate QM/MM-MD exploration of an ion-dependent ribozyme reaction mechanism". This internship could be continued with an already funded (ANR MUSIRICAT) PhD position in our group.

    • July 2022: Great news: our project MUSIRICAT "Multiscale Simulations to Unveil the Role of Divalent Cations in Ribozyme Catalysis" is funded for 4 years by ANR. Stay tuned!
    • May 2022: Julie and Marie's first paper on cation binding to dimethylphosphate is out in J. Phys. Chem. B !